Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Take Loans, Fulfill Dreams.

Hello Guys,
Today we are here to discuss about "Loans". How it can help you fulfill your dream. In this new age of
modernization and luxuries, there are certain dreams , fulfilling of which ,may take lot of time. Loans certainly can help you fulfill it all your dreams. Let us know how loans from banks and nbfcs can help you fulfill your dream.

Now Lets take case :1. You are in the age of early 30's. You have worked for around 5-7 years. And you are now at a successful position in the company. You have been posted far away from your hometown. You along with your family are living in rented house. You pay rent for house. You can pay same amount as emi and own the house. Instead of paying rent for house you don't own. It's better to pay emi for the house and own it. 

Now lets take case 2. You belong to lower middle class family. You have studied well and earned good degree like CA, Doctor etc. You got good job. You earn handsome amount and are able to save too.. But you use Ola/Uber to travel. Your daily travel  cost you around rs 500/-. You work 26 days a month excluding Sundays. You spend Rs 13000 pm for travel. Instead you can pay emi of around rs 13493 and own premium car costing Rs 6 Lakhs to 7 lakhs. Thus instead of paying to car rental company and rely on them, you can pay emi's and have your own Car. m

After going through above two cases we come to conclusion, its not always wise decision to delay the dreams. If you have the dream, fulfill it through loans in short span of  time. "Take Loans, Avoid Burden, and Enjoy Life. "

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